At Inspiring & Empowering Change, LLC our mission is to provide clients with optimal services in ways that nurture respect, dignity, and self-awareness. We work with each client to identify and apply treatment modalities that are most appropriate for each client’s individual needs. At Inspiring & Empowering Change, LLC we provide client-centered advocacy, focusing on the services and resources that the clinician and client identify collaboratively.
Our services begin by addressing the presenting concern that brought the client in to seek treatment. To provide clients with a full complement of services, we will offer referrals to appropriate community organizations, as needed. Services are provided in person or virtually.
Clients will receive clinical sessions with a dedicated clinician that will address individual, family or relationship needs. We offer the following types of clinical sessions:
Individual Counseling
Couples Counseling
Family Counseling
Group Counseling
Additionally we offer referrals for the following:
Medication Management
Supportive Services